MODEL : Modern Outdoor Bar Table & Chairs
Bar table dimensions (cm) :
L120 x W40 x H105
L140 x W40 x H105
L160 x W40 x H105
L180 x W40 x H105
L200 x W40 H105
L220 x W40 H105
L240 x W40 H105
L260 x W40 H105
L280 x W40 H105
L300 x W40 H105
Bar stool dimensions (cm) :
meirel > L46 x W46 x H99
duxtsen > L40 x W40 x H101
Description :
With this simple and bar table, accompanied by sweet music, you can have a wonderful bar night with your friends in your house. Plus, you can watch a film or read your favorite books with cups of coffee together when weekends are coming. A wood tabletop and sturdy iron base, it oozes a glam of a modern bar setting.
Material :
Wood plastic composite & wrought iron
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